A Sure Treatment for Herniated DiscsHerniated Discs are spinal disc problems in the lower part of the back. It is can be a very painful problem and is a result of the discs in your spine. At times, it is a very hard task to find a position in which you can simply be comfortable.

Around the country, millions of Americans are suffering from either acute or chronic back pain. For thousands of these people, the cause of their pain is a phenomenon known as spinal disk herniation.

Causes of Herniated Disks

Spinal disks are small, round, gel- and fibrous-like structures between the spinal bones, called vertebrae. Spinal disks increase spine flexibility, protect the spinal cord, and act as shock absorbers.

A herniation occurs when the disk slips out of place, due to tears in its outer tissue, and protrudes out between two vertebrae. This can happen due to an unusual or high force on the spine, such as when a person slips or lifts a heavy object with poor body mechanics. A slipped disk can be very painful and may cause pressure on spinal root nerves, as well as inflammation and injury to surrounding structures, like nearby ligaments.

Symptoms of Herniated Discs

The very first part of treatment is recognizing the actual symptoms of a slipped disc. To have a herniated disc means that the soft connective disc between the vertebrae of the spine is putting pressure on the nerves in the back. The severity of your situation will guide our providers on the degree of your condition.


The symptoms might differ in the case of arm and leg pain depending on where in your spine and neck the slipped disc is located. The person with this condition might also experience numbness and tingling. Weakness can be felt in the arm or leg in direct action by the disc in question.

The most common symptoms of a herniated disk include:

  • Pain in the back or neck
  • Pain in the legs or arms (due to pressure on spinal nerves that exit at the level of the herniation and go on to innervate the limbs)
  • Sore, tender muscles
  • Stiffness

When the case is very extensive the person affected will be limited in terms of movement. It is important to note that numbness and tingling might be the first signs before it turns into pain and weakness.


In such a sensitive case it is only a professional such as a Chiropractor that can help solve this condition. The first order of things is an MRI which will show a specific view of individual discs and nerves. As such it will also search for any bones in the spine leading to unnecessary pressure.

A chiropractor is often the first healthcare professional consulted following a back injury. At Tarpon Interventional Pain & Spine Care, we rely on our whole-body approach to health and wellness to help find relief. Here’s how:

Chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations, can greatly reduce pain and stiffness associated with disk herniations. To perform an adjustment, a chiropractor uses his or her hands to direct a high-velocity force on a specific area of the spine.

Spinal decompression is another technique used by chiropractors to treat disk herniations. This technique involves the use of straps or other specialized equipment to apply a gentle pulling or “distraction” force in the spine. This creates space between the vertebrae and reduces pressure on the herniated disk. This technique can even help the herniated disk slip back into the correct position.

Looking for relief from your back pain? Visit Tarpon Interventional Pain & Spine Care, we look forward to meeting you!

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