The pain management doctors at Tarpon Interventional Pain & Spine Care can control and manage acute and chronic pain conditions, primarily related to spinal disorders. Nerve blocks and radiofrequency ablation are used to diagnose and evaluate pain conditions while providing substantial pain relief. Steroid injections can reduce pain caused by inflammation. These procedures can benefit patients with degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, migraines, neck pain, back pain, and radiating pain in the arms and legs.

Pain management procedures are performed by board certified physicians who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation (PMR). These are outpatient procedures that require minimal down time but deliver pain relief for several weeks or months, depending on the patient. The most common procedures we offer are listed below.d medication usually consists of an anesthetic to relax the area and relieve pain. A steroid medication is sometimes included in the injection.

Neck & Arm Pain

Chronic Neck Pain & Headache

Upper & Middle Back Pain

Chronic Upper & Middle Back Pain

Lower Back & Leg Pain

Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic Low Back and Buttock Pain

Disc Pain

  • Discography

* Interlaminar injection is administered from the back of the spine; transforaminal injection is administered from the side where the nerve exits the spine; caudal injection is administered through the bony opening of your tailbone

Have a question or need to refer a patient? Tarpon Interventional Pain & Spine Care looks forward to serving you! Our offices are in West Plano and North Plano, Texas. Dial (972) 596-1059 or use our online appointment request form.